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TickledPink – New girl Harpers foot Audition! ” Im gonna d-ie lol!”
TickledPink – New girl Harpers foot Audition! ” Im gonna d-ie lol!”

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So Adele contacted us and said she had a friend that wanted too come in with her! She was tiny & really cute feet but wasn't sure how ticklish she was but that she was really excited to try this out! WELL, Lets just say as soon as Adele started to tickle her feet we KNEW we found a winner!! Its always so exciting when you realize this is going to be a GREAT tickle session with a newbie!! Her feet were tiny and super cute and OH so ticklish,, =another winner here at Tickled Pink & Toetallyfun! Wow, we love our jobs here!! Wait till you hear her squeal and laugh, she loses her breath multiple times but is like " no I'm good, =this is fun!" also couldn't wait to get back at Adele for tickling her so bad too! Fun stuff, enjoy Harper, More with her to come, ( yes her pits are deliciously ticklish as well,,LOL )...Adele is turning out to be quite the tickler too!!!
Length: 12:53
Resolution: 1280x720


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