StuckInTheStocks – Selene Amped Up!
StuckInTheStocks – Selene Amped Up!

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I've known my friend Selene for a long time now, and when I started doing tickling videos, she's someone I wanted to get in the stocks for forever. But she kept backing out for the longest time. And then, once she finally agreed to it, it seems like she's really into it! I've kind of discovered that there must be some sort of link between women with a lot of tattoos (she has two full sleeves; she hides them for her respectable day job) and tickling—I think they're used to extreme sensation. Selene also has gorgeous feet with long toes that spread out wide when you tickle her—I love dragging things inbetween her toes just to hear her go crazy and to watch her spread her toes out like they're screaming! I started out here with feathers that I drag between all of her toes (especially her little toes that look like they're trying to go horizontal) and then flossers, Sonicare toothbrushes and the blue scrubbers that erase her brain almost completely! Her hands are cuffed under her knees, so she can see everything that's going to happen to her, which makes the headspace even more deliciously evil. This video is a closeup of her feet but you can pretty much figure out everything that's happening inside her poor brain (which is getting pureed with tickle by the end)!
Length: 8:02
Resolution: 1280x720