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StuckInTheStocks – Mallory Wants OUT!
StuckInTheStocks – Mallory Wants OUT!

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This is Mallory's first time being stocked and tickled, and she's obviously slightly nervous..and then, when it starts, she immediately starts trying to yank her feet out of the stocks! (That's not going to happen!) I start out with the flossers down by her heels and s-l-o-w-l-y start dragging them up the center of her feet. By the time I'm poking the buzzy tips between her toes, she's going so crazy, she can barely form words! After the flossers, I ramp up the evilness of each toy bit by bit: electric toothbrushes, hairbrushes, massagers, and my fingers and her laughter gets more frantic at every step! This clip is remastered for smoothness and data flow, so it's much larger in size than my usual clips, but it's eight minutes of deliciously frantic laughter!
Length: 8:12
Resolution: 1280x720


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