LetsTickleArielsFeet – Just The Feet! – My Personal Favorite from 2012!
LetsTickleArielsFeet – Just The Feet! – My Personal Favorite from 2012!

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I dont usually post clips unless they show Ariel's laughing face but this one is special. It was actually made last summer when we were cleaning up the morning after a blow out party. I found a bag of brushes I had taken out of my tickling tools bag long before. Soon she was on the floor on her back with her beautiful and slightly dirty soles tied straight up in the air. I tickled her with my fingers, then a variety of brushes that has her laughing out of her mind. I finished up with a ten finger attack on both soles that has her begging me for "no more tickling". Her laughter and begging was at an all time insane level! Great Tickling and a close up view of her soles!
Duration: 10:27.132
Size: 366,572 Mb