BCTickleAndFetish – That Tax Return Ain’t Happening!
BCTickleAndFetish – That Tax Return Ain’t Happening!

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Sativa tickled the hell out of her accountants big feet for her negligence. Well Slyy managed to get free and has turned the tables on her. Sativa finds herself bound to a table unable to move. In walks Slyy who is eager for revenge. She starts tickling Sativa's big socked feet and Sativa is already squirming. Eventually the socks come off and Slyy unleashes a full tickle on her gorgeous soles. She uses her nails and all the tools to drive Sativa mad. Sativa tries to reason with Slyy and agree to a much smaller tax return. But Slyy has her right where she wants her and isn't done just yet. She moves to Sativa's upper body and tickles her stomach, ribs, inner thighs, and armpits. Sativa continues driving her price down as she struggles and howls in laughter. Slyy doesn't stop until she comes all the way down to a more than reason tax return that won't get her audited. When she finally stops tickling her, Slyy leaves Sativa a worn out, sweaty mess.
Length: 11:45
Resolution: 1280x720