I'M the captain of this here pirate ship! And if someone dares to get out of line, then I will deal with them swiftly and harshly!
I got word that one of me shipmates gave away the whereabouts of MY booty! And that is a crime worthy of walkin' the plank in my eyes! Her name is Nyxon. It was her who betrayed my trust, and now she's going to pay! I have her hauled to my private punishment quarters below deck. I have her on the padded bench with ankles are bound together and secured underneath. I know she has ticklish feet and I aim to make her suffer for what she's done!
I start with removing one of her boots to reveal her fishnet covered foot. I begin tickling it before removing her other boot and tickling her other fishnet covered foot.
I want at her bare feet! So I tear away those stockings so I can now focus on just her sensitive bare soles and toes! I even pull out one of my feathers to tickle those feet of hers. But my LONG sturdy nails are fiendish tools for tickle torture, and I use them to the best of me ability on her helpless ticklish feet!
NEVER betray me, or you'll be taken to my punishment quarters and tickled mercilessly..ARRGGH!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1920x1080,, 6010 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0162 (Windows Media Audio 9 Professional), 44100Hz, 440 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 9:13.796
Size: 416,204 Mb